Cookie Policy

Lightnit Privacy Statement - Updated November 1, 2023

Notice of Update: This revised Lightnit Privacy Statement is effective as of December 1, 2023. Your continued use of the Site and Services automatically implies acceptance of this updated Statement. The prior version of the Lightnit Privacy Statement can be accessed here. This updated Privacy Statement supersedes all previous versions.

Supplemental Privacy Statements:

Scope of the Privacy Statement:

This Lightnit Privacy Statement outlines how Lightnit, Inc. and its affiliated entities collect, use, process, and share personally identifiable information. The statement covers your rights concerning access, deletion, and correction of your personal information. The term "information" refers to any data related to an identified person.

This Privacy Statement applies to,,, and any other websites linking to this Statement (collectively, the "Site"). It also encompasses information collected through the Services, communities, marketing and customer engagement, and branded social media pages.

This Statement excludes information about employees (subject to employment policies) or job applicants (subject to the Applicant Privacy Statement). Additionally, it does not cover information collected by third parties, such as third-party websites, social media platforms, third-party service providers, or other applications integrated with our Services. The Statement does not apply to non-personally identifiable information, like aggregated or anonymous data.

We may update this Privacy Statement periodically, and notice of changes will be provided as described in the "Notice of Changes" section.

Applicability to Users Under 16:

Our Services are not directed at children under 16, and we do not knowingly collect information from individuals under this age. Individuals under 16 may not use the Services or provide their information through the Site.

Additional Rights for Certain Regions:

If you are a citizen of Switzerland, the United Kingdom, or a country in the European Economic Area, additional rights are detailed in the European Privacy Rights statement. California residents have additional rights outlined in the California Privacy Rights statement.

Categories of Personal Information We Collect:

We collect or receive information as detailed below:

Information You Provide Us:

When creating an account, downloading content, filling out forms, or responding to communications, you provide information such as your name, email address, address, company, and phone number.

When You Create an Account:

Account registration and profile information are collected automatically, along with information on your use of the Services.

Content or Information You Provide in the Services:

Information transferred between third-party applications, user-generated content, and information provided by other users.

Content You Provide Through Our Site:

Content or information uploaded to the Site or social media platform pages.

Information You Provide Through Support Channels or Communities:

Information provided through customer support or chat functionality, including account registration within communities.

Marketing Information:

Information received directly or automatically when engaging with the Site or emails, as well as information from third-party sources.

Partner Programs:

Information collected through developer platform and expert programs, including account registration, technical skills, comments, feedback, and information from partners.

Payment Processing Information:

Details of transactions processed by third-party payment processors.

Technical, Device, and Connection Information:

Automatically collected information about the device used, settings, operating system, browser type, IP address, URLs, device identifiers, and crash data.

Cookies and Other Tracking Technology:

Use of cookies, web beacons, pixels, or other tracking technology on the Site and in the Services.

Other Information Sources: Information obtained from third-party service providers, public databases, and business partners.

How We Use Personal Information:

We utilize collected information for purposes such as providing and supporting the Services, improving the Services, processing requests, processing payments, providing information about products and services, tailoring content, and ensuring the integrity and security of our business, Site, and Services.

Sharing of Personal Information:

We may share information under various circumstances, including with consent, partners, for the provision of Services, for business purposes, marketing, corporate transactions, and legal reasons.

Your Choices - Opting Out, Correcting, or Accessing Your Information:

You can manage cookies and opt-out of marketing activities. You have the option to review, change, or delete personal information through account settings or by contacting

Data Security and Transfers:

We take reasonable steps to protect personal information. Information collected may be transferred and processed in the United States or other countries. Data security details and information on international data transfers can be found in the Lightnit Services statement.

EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework:

Lightnit complies with the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, Swiss-U.S. Data Privacy Framework, and the UK Extension to the EU-U.S. DPF. Details of compliance and protections for personal information transfers are outlined.

Dispute Resolution:

Questions or complaints can be directed to Disputes related to this Privacy Statement will be handled according to the dispute resolution process in the applicable contract with Lightnit. Unresolved complaints can be referred to JAMS, an alternative dispute resolution provider.

Notice of Changes:

The Services, Site, and our business may change, leading to updates or modifications to this Privacy Statement. Changes will be posted on this page, and users will be notified through various means.

Contacting Lightnit:

For inquiries or exercising your rights, contact us at:

Change Log:

Date of Change: April 4, 2022

Description of Change:

Updates made to address legal and regulatory changes, provide more detail about information categories, purposes, and third-party sharing, and restructure the Statement for improved readability.